Parkinson’s disease has no known standard medication (PD). Each person with Parkinson’s disease is treated differently, according to his or her symptoms.
Medication and surgery are used to treat this condition. Additionally, dietary changes such as increased sleep and exercise are used as remedies.
Numerous medications are available to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but none currently cure the disease’s effects. To control symptoms, it is normal for people with PD to take a mixture of these medicines at various doses and times of the day.

Although keeping track of prescriptions can be difficult, remembering them and adhering to a routine can help you get the most benefit from them and prevent uncomfortable “off” times caused by missing doses.


Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease at the moment, there are many medications available to alleviate symptoms. Though medications are the primary stay in therapy for Parkinson’s disease, other methods are often used in conjunction. Therapy such as physical, occupational, and voice may be vital components of the recovery strategy. Surgical solutions are also important for a group of Parkinson’s disease patients. Finally, alternative treatments can be used to alleviate any of the effects of Parkinson’s disease.


Medications can aid in the management of walking, movement, and tremor problems. These drugs either increase dopamine levels or act as a dopamine replacement.
Parkinson’s disease patients have reduced dopamine levels in their brains. Dopamine, on the other hand, cannot be supplied directly so it cannot reach the brain.
Your symptoms can improve significantly once you begin Parkinson’s disease treatment. However, the effects of medications often decline or become less stable over time.

Carbidopa-levodopa: Levodopa, the most common treatment for Parkinson’s disease, is a naturally occurring compound that enters the brain and is processed to dopamine.

Levodopa is paired with carbidopa, which stops levodopa from being transformed to dopamine prematurely outside of the brain. Which eliminates or significantly reduces adverse symptoms such as nausea.Which eliminates or significantly reduces adverse symptoms such as nausea.

Anticholinergic drugs: These medicines are used to help stabilise the tremor linked with Parkinson’s disease for many years. Numerous anticholinergic medications, such as benztropine or trihexyphenidyl, are available.

Amantadine: Doctors can recommend amantadine alone to treat moderate to early-stage Parkinson’s symptoms. It can also be used in combination with carbidopa-levodopa treatment to better regulate repetitive gestures (dyskinesia) triggered by carbidopa-levodopa.

Surgical operations

Stimulates the deep cortex. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a medical technique in which electrodes are inserted into a particular area of the brain. The electrodes are attached to a generator embedded in your chest above your collarbone. The generator emits electrical signals to the brain, which can help alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Your doctor can make appropriate adjustments to your configurations to treat your condition. Surgical operations pose a risk of inflammation, stroke, or brain hemorrhage. Certain individuals have issues with their DBS system or as a result of stimulation, and the specialist may need to modify or uninstall certain components of the system.

Deep brain stimulation is most often used to treat patients with progressive Parkinson’s disease who have instabilities with their treatment (levodopa). DBS can help control dosage fluctuations, decrease or eliminate repetitive movements (dyskinesia), decrease tremor and rigidity, and increase movement slowing.

DBS is beneficial in resolving irregular and fluctuating levodopa reactions, as well as dyskinesia that does not change with drug changes.

Also Read: Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment for Neurological Disorders

Apart from tremors, DBS is not useful for disorders that do not respond to levodopa therapy. And if levodopa is ineffective at controlling a tremor, DBS can be used to stabilise it.

Fact: Although DBS may be helpful in the long run for Parkinson’s Disease symptoms, it’s doesn’t prevent the condition from developing.


  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy &
  • Speech therapy

Physical, occupational, and speech therapists may also contribute greatly to Parkinson’s disease treatment.

Physical therapy will help you change your gait and point you in the right direction for exercise.

Occupational therapy will help you develop your fine motor abilities to their maximum potential.

Speech therapy can be beneficial in addressing communication and language barriers associated with Parkinson’s disease.

 Lifestyle Changes

A balanced diet can improve energy levels, optimise the efficacy of medications and encourage general well-being.

Cardiorespiratory exercise (fitness conditioning), resistance exercise (strength training), flexibility exercises (stretching), and gait and balance training are all components of an effective exercise regimen.

Healthy Diet

While it has been shown that no diet or mixture is beneficial for Parkinson’s disease, certain diets can help relieve some of the symptoms. For instance, consuming high-fiber foods and drinking proper fluids will help avoid constipation typical in Parkinson’s disease.


Exercising will strengthen your muscle strength, endurance, and balance. Exercise will also improve the mood and relieve stress or anxiety.
You should also try cycling, swimming, gardening, dancing, water aerobics, or stretching.
Parkinson’s disease can impair your sense of balance making it impossible to walk normally. Exercise will help you maintain your balance.

Alternative Therapy

Supportive treatments can help alleviate some of the effects and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as pain, nausea, and depression. 

These therapies, when combined with your medications, can boost your quality of living:

  • Yoga: Yoga will improve stability and posture by gentle stretching exercises and poses. Most poses can be modified to fit your abilities.
  • Meditation: You focus and concentrate on a concept or picture in meditation. Meditation can alleviate discomfort and pain and increase the well-being effects.

Our Take

As known from the above information, there is no such particular treatment option available for Parkinson’s disease. That’s where Elite Ayurveda helps you to come out of Parkinson’s disease.
At Elite Ayurveda, our lead expert Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal and trained staff are always there to help you step out of your condition with a holistic approach.
Get expert-curated treatment at Elite Ayurveda to get rid of your condition.