To understand Diabetes we need to know what diabetes really is and how it is treated or reversed by the Ayurvedic approach.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a range of diseases that include insulin hormone problems. The human body produces too much insulin diabetes. Normally, the pancreas releases insulin to help the body store and use sugar and fat from the food you consume.

Diabetes insipidus is another disorder of diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes insipidus is a rare disorder that causes the body to make a lot of “insipid” or colorless and odorless urine. Most people pee one to two quarters a day. People with diabetes insipidus will spend between 3 and 20 quarts a day.

Diabetes Types

There are three types of diabetes:

  • Type 1
  • Type 2 Diabetes mellitus,
  • Gestational diabetes.

Type I Diabetes

This type of diabetes is called juvenile diabetes because the body fails to make insulin. Insulin-dependent people with type I diabetes must take artificial insulin per day to remain alive.

Type 2 Diabetes

The body’s behavior with insulin depends on type 2 diabetes. Although the body still produces insulin, the cells of the body don’t respond as easily as before, as opposed to type I. According to the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases, this is the most prevalent form of diabetes and has a close connection with obesity.

Gestational diabetes

This type develops in women when the body is less susceptible to insulin during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes in all women does not develop and normally resolves after childbirth.

Monogenic diabetes and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes are less common diabetes types.

Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes insipidus symptoms

  • Extreme thirst
  • Frequently peeing (your doctor might call this polyuria)
  • Frequently being up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom
  • Cool beverages are preferred.
  • Dehydration is a problem that many people face.
  • Deficiencies
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Irritation

Type 1 diabetes

The immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas (called beta cells), resulting in type 1 diabetes.

  • An increase in thirst
  • An increase in hunger (especially after eating)
  • Dry mouth
  • Peeing frequently
  • Weight loss that hasn’t been clarified (even though you are eating and feel hungry)
  • Tiredness (weak, tired feeling)
  • Vision is blurry.
  • Breathing that is labored and hard (Kussmaul respirations)
  • Insomnia (rare)

Type 2 diabetics Symptoms

Type 2 diabetics contain insulin. The insulin secreted by the pancreas, though, is either insufficient or the body is immune to it.
Symptoms are similar to those of type 1, but additional symptoms may include:

  • Cuts or sores that take a long time to recover
  • Itchy skin (usually in the vaginal or groin area)
  • Infections of yeast
  • Weight raise in recent months
  • Hands and foot numbness or tingling
  • Impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of diabetes

Common Causes of diabetes

what causes diabetes?

Diabetes happens as one of those cases happens:

  • If there is no insulation from the pancreas
  • If the pancreas does no insulin
  • If the body does not react to insulin adequately, a condition called “insulin resistance”
  • ADHD hormone that does not function to help the body regulate liquids is diabetes insipidus.
  • Causes are likely with a brain injury or a tumor.
  • Kidney disease or medicaments such as lithium may induce the less common form.

How Common it is?

The prevalence of diabetes in India has remained at 11.8% in the last four years.

Options for treatment

Risk Factors

Diabetes: Type 1

If you are a child or teenager, if you have a parent or relative with the disorder or if you have some genes related to the disease, you are more likely to get type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes: Type 2

Your risk for type 2 diabetes improves if you:

  • Are overweight.
  • Are 45 or older.
  • your family members had the disease.
  • Don’t exercise.
  • Have prediabetes.
  • have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high triglycerides.
  • Have gestational diabetics.

Gestational diabetes

Your chance for gestational diabetes improves if you:

  • Are overweight.
  • Are over age 25.
  • Have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
  • Have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Line of Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment Approach for Diabetes

Ayurvedic classics recommend two distinct types of therapy schedules for diabetics, depending on their physical constitution or body form (Prakriti), as well as their health status. They are as follows:
Apatarpana is a de-nourishment therapy that is beneficial to obese diabetic patients, particularly those with the Kapha body type.
Santarpana – Nourishing therapy – effective in diabetic patients who are thin, typically those with a Vata or Pitta body shape.

Therapies such as Vamana, virechana, basti can be performed according to the individual’s condition.

Diabetes and Lifestyle

Pathya: (Do’s):

  • To eat a healthy diet.
  • Exercising frequently.
  • Yoga.
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama
  • Keeping a normal body weight.
  • Practice walking.

Apathya (Don’ts):

  • Restriction on sugar and fried foods, and also dairy products.
  • Stress and fear
  • Cigarettes
  • Drink.
  • Fatty foods and oils.
  • Refusal of day sleeping and laziness.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes:

ayurvedic herbs for diabetes treatment

Banyan tree bark

Bottom Line

Some types of diabetes (such as type 1) are exacerbated by genetic, environmental, and behavioral causes that are out of control.
Type 2 diabetes can be avoided by making healthy diet and exercise decisions and losing weight.

Be aware of diabetes complications by seeing the doctor. If you suffer from prediabetes, have your blood sugar checked, and follow your doctor’s recommendations for treating this condition.
As per Dr. Soumya Hullannavar, Lead Consultant at Elite Ayurveda, an expert in Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, we can prevent our body from pursuing a holistic healing procedure, which according to her, is the stepping stone for treatment of any disease.


“A natural way to regulate blood sugar is crucial and can be achieved by taking up Ayurvedic herbal remedies. As a long-term disease management strategy, Ayurveda significantly stresses upon proper nutrition and lifestyle improvements which can improve the wellbeing of a diabetic patient.” Dr. Soumya Hullannavar of Elite Ayurveda Services. ​

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